Thursday, March 3, 2011

My first blog post...ever

My friend, Christin, suggested I blog about my upcoming trip to Costa Rica with our mutual friend, Mimi.

I think Christin has an ulterior motive--given that Mimi has a history of finding natural disaster and political unrest prior to, during, and after her travels, Christin is hoping for some entertaining adventures.  I, on the other hand, am a newbie international traveler.  I have never traveled farther out of the United States than Winnepeg.  And that was before a passport was required. So I'm hoping for an uneventful trip, beautiful weather, quiet and calm streets and peaceful Costa Rican natives.  My hope is simply to avoid being pickpocketed.  I'll let you know what we find once we arrive on May 1.

The countdown to Costa Rica is on: T minus 58 days.

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